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Member benefits

About Green Tech Cluster

Green-Tech Cluster or Green and Smart Technology Cluster is organization developed for cross-sectoral cooperation bringing together companies, educational and research institutions, as well as other organizations that partly or fully operate in the industries of green and smart technologies. The cluster includes industries important to the sustainable development of Latvia, which also are priority sectors of smart specialization strategy: mechanical engineering and engineering, information, and communication technology and space technology, energy-efficient buildings, efficient production and environmentally-friendly raw materials. This synergy ensures efficient use of available resources and allows to achieve the most efficient development of Latvian economic environment. Cluster brings together one of the fastest growing companies with a significant share of exports and potential for development of the Latvian economy in priority sectors.


To promote cooperation between companies and research, educational and knowledge transfer organizations at local and international level. Thus contributing to raise the competitiveness of these companies, increase in export volume and volume of high value-added products and services, as well as innovations and new product development.

Specific aim

To foster growth and international cooperation (including an increase in export volumes) of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises operating in the “green” and “intelligent” technology sectors through an effective business network (incl. large merchants) and great support of education and research organizations and business support organizations.


Latvian companies – internationally competitive and growing; Latvian business environment – beneficial to business growth and internationally competitive.


Become one of Baltic Sea Region leading Clusters of green and intelligent technologies providing members new growth and development opportunities.

Cluster Operating Fields

Future Mobility

Transport and mobility are the backbone of a modern and efficient economy. In addition, the sector is expected to change significantly in the context of the European Commission’s Green Course. The mobility of the future is multimodal, dominated by green and smart technologies, from a variety of propulsion technologies and fuels to IoT and artificial intelligence.

Future Mobility is one of cluster’s operational fields that brings together mobility players, enabling them to operate more efficiently and achieve goals faster.

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Smart Manufacturing and Green Resources

With the development of renewable energy technologies and the reduction of the costs of environmentally friendly production, more and more companies are ready to use smart manufacturing methods. By using green resources and operating with smart production methods, companies increase their productivity, performance, efficiency and sustainability, while promoting economic growth, reducing waste, encouraging responsible consumption, and ensuring environmental health, safety and a better quality of life.

Smart manufacturing and green resources is one of cluster’s operational fields that unites manufacturing companies that are ready for change, thus enabling them to cooperate with each other and to produce more efficiently through the exchange of knowledge.

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Energy Efficient Buildings

Energy used in buildings (both residential and commercial) accounts for a significant percentage of the country’s total energy consumption. This percentage is highly dependent on the degree of electrification, the level of urbanization, the size of the building area per capita, the prevailing climate, as well as the national
and local policies to promote energy efficiency. Energy-efficient buildings, passive houses and zero-energy buildings are a step towards lower energy consumption, better living conditions and the achievement of climate goals.

Energy-efficient buildings is one of cluster’s operational fields that unites the manufacturers of energy-efficient buildings, its equipment and facilities, enabling members  to cooperate.

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Member benefits

Call for participation in projects and initiatives organized by the cluster

Offering members to disseminate information about the company’s activities through its communication channels – website, social networking platforms, organized events or in person at the Green Tech HUB office, Liepāja, Strautu Street 4

Search for cooperation partners both in Latvia and international area

Use of cluster cooperation networks (Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 3B ICT Network, Green Alliance, Climate-KIC, etc.)

Use of cluster identity in visual materials and publications

Use of Green Tech HUB meeting rooms in Liepaja, Jelgava, Riga and Valmiera free of charge

Business development consulting – public and / or private financing, accounting and taxation, publicity, energy efficiency, sales and exports, etc.

Digital marketing services with 20% discount

Evaluation of energy costs in the company  (150.00 EUR) and implementation of energy reduction measures (300.00 EUR)

Preparation of applications for attracting public funding and implementation of the project with a 20% discount

Representation in working groups, committees, councils, etc. by prior agreement on remuneration

Identification of export partners and organization of partnership meetings with a 20% discount

<div class=”kvgmc6g5 cxmmr5t8 oygrvhab hcukyx3x c1et5uql”>Every month, the members of the cluster meet virtually to share experiences, be inspired by industry leaders, create new forms of cooperation, strengthen the community and learn about current fundraising programs.</div>


Take a look at the interactive map of the Green and Smart Technologies Cluster. Find out the locations of our members and partners and find out a little more about them.

Interactive Map
Zeltini Z triton
Blue Shock Race
Drive EO
Rorbo Sia Damsons
Liepājas enerģija
Vega1 serviss
Arbo Windows
Inbox Lifestyle-APB
Baltic Scientific instruments
Bucher Municipal
Liepājas Papīrs
kurzemes granulas
materia bikes
Ventspils Augstskola
RTU Liepaja

Membership fees

Small and medium sized operators

365 EUR / YEAR*

Merchants whose turnover in the previous reporting year does not exceed EUR 250,000 are subject to “starting conditions”:


3000 eur/year

The membership fee of the Green and Smart Technology Cluster is collected once a year. Membership fees are not subject to VAT.

Get in Touch


As the list of our partners grows, members are offered additional opportunities for growth. We want to help your business grow internationally, as well as increase export volumes.

Oslo Renewable Energy and Environment Cluster

OAEVK is a cooperation network between businesses, research and education institutions and public authorities in the field of renewable energy and the environment in the Oslo region.

Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

LCCI is a voluntary, politically neutral association that unites micro, small, medium and large companies from all regions and economic sectors of Latvia.

Bremen Invest

Service provider for commercial and industrial companies in Bremen – one-stop business support.

Kurzemes Business Incubator

KBI supports and assists entrepreneurs and business idea creators in creating successful and profitable companies by offering a wide range of services, consulting and the support of experienced experts. More than 10 years of experience.

Impact Hub Liepaja

Impact Hub Liepāja promotes a sustainable development of Latvian society and participation in innovative and creative initiatives, encouraging society as a whole and certain individuals to self-growth, entrepreneurship and sustainable thinking, with special emphasis on the elements of “green” thinking.

Digital Accelerator of Latvia

The Latvian Digital Accelerator is designed to promote digital transformation and innovation in Latvian companies and the public sector, improve the competitiveness of Latvian companies and the quality of public sector services through new digital solutions, and increase investment in information and communication technology research and development.

European Cluster Collaboration Platform

The ECCP provides communication opportunities for clusters (organizations and their members) with the aim of improving the performance of clusters and increasing their competitiveness through the promotion of transnational and international cooperation.


The leading organization in the energy efficiency industry in Latvia. LATEA represents both leading foreign companies and domestic companies in their field.

ICT Cluster

The ICT cluster is a strategic initiative of the Bulgarian ICT business. The organization’s mission is to increase the competitiveness of the Bulgarian ICT industry by supporting the growth of small and medium-sized ICT companies.


AITA is an ICT association in Albania. This association focuses on the implementation of projects and activities that directly affect the members of the association and the Albanian IT industry as a whole.

AC Serbia

Serbian Hardware Cluster – The AC Serbia network includes Serbian companies and institutions that manufacture automotive parts and components.

Bulgarian hardware cluster

The Bulgarian Hardware Cluster (ACB) represents the interests of car manufacturers, suppliers and organizations providing services to the automotive industry.


The Cluj IT initiative was set up as a catalyst to increase the competitiveness of the IT sector in Romania and to respond to the challenges facing organizations in the sector.


Macedonian Chamber of Information and Communication Technologies – MASIT represents companies in the ICT sector in Macedonia.

ICT Cluster CS

The Central Serbia ICT Cluster / Kragujevac Business Association represents the interests of ICT companies and organizations in Central Serbia.